Monday, July 5, 2010

New Book Report Thread - Reading is essential to writing

I am starting a new thread on some books I have read recently. I have always been a reader. My mother, who was deeply into historical romance when I was younger, (scholars stop rolling your eyes), started my passion for books. My reading started evolving out of romance and into biographies, horror, music non-fiction and poetry. My favorite books being 1984, The Diary of Ann Frank, Andy Warhol, The Hobbit, and anything by Poe. I was always into the darkness of the world, reading about the strange people and places. That is when I fell for Stephen King, a mastermind and his analysis of life's weird and oddities. For a long time, I stopped reading because I was busy reading textbooks and boring scholarly journals. I think when I started reading Harry Potter series, it deflated my "good" book habit. Those were great mindless books that I loved and couldn't get enough. I came back though and I want to share with you my recent reads. So I can remember not to stop and don't get too caught up in one author or subject, but start to explore and get wrapped into the delightful world of books again. Because you are what you read, as a writer.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Writing Quote of the Week

Journalism is merely history's first draft.
Geoffrey C. Ward

Joining Twitter

Twitter was something I resisted for a while. I thought, I really have nothing to say and who will follow me anyway, right? Wrong. If you think Twitter will go away, it won't. Attending the Society of Professional Journalists Conference in Cleveland, OH this month opened my mind to opening a Twitter account.
There is a new generation of journalists who know social media and embrace the idea of letting others know what is going on with this world network. In the New York Times this week, newspaper circulations have declined, yet again. Local newspapers and TV stations are also catching on and using different methods to inform readers on the internet from Facebook to Twitter.

If you are not on Twitter yet, now is the time to act. It will be valuable to your journalism career.

Follow me on twitter at

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Writing Quote of the Week

I keep telling myself to calm down, to take less of an interest in things and not to get so excited, but I still care a lot about liberty, freedom of speech and expression, and fairness in journalism.
- Kate Adie

Summer Education Focus

This is the time of year where you think education writing is slowing down. Kids are almost done with school and thinking about their summer vacation, as well as the teachers. However, education doesn't stop, just because the weather got nicer and there is no school. Most kids will be going to the library for their summer reading lists or attending camp. Last year juniors will now thinking about choosing their college, in which may be attending campus tours. Writers can pitch ideas to family and education magazines by focusing on the summer learning. Profile a camper, write a book review from the summer reading list, talk with parents about ways they do creative learning with their child during break, do an exclusive on summer school teachers.

Education writing doesn't stop when school ends!