Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Heart of Lake County Magazine Jan 2010 article

Pick up The Heart of Lake County Magazine January 2010 quarterly edition for my upcoming article on The Indian Museum!

Visit Web site at www.theheartoflakecountymagazine.com for pick-up locations

Sun Newspapers - Chagrin Solon Sun 12/17/2009

Check out the front page of the Chagrin Solon Sun at

New Year - Set a Writing Goal

Writers go years thinking about writing however, never really sit down and put that great idea to paper. Setting a goal in writing is important. You should have an end point in writing whether finishing the book to sending out the query.

I know the old saying of any procrasinating writer, "Writing is difficult to "fit in" everyday life." As a mother, I too, sometimes wonder if I wasn't writing in my free time, I could be relaxing or spending more time with the kids. However, I just couldn't see myself stopping something I love to do - write. If one loves to write, the logically next step is to find time to write no matter the circumstance.

In addition, writing for yourself is wonderful, however, getting published should be a goal. I remember the first time I saw my name in print. I cried and danced around the room holding my article like a little girl who just got ribbon in a local beauty pageant. Although it wasn't the national publication, it was a beginning to my lifestyle as a writer. I still don't really consider myself a writer, even with the consistant writing work. My goal is still to be published, just in more ways. I will become a real writer, when I gain my ultimate goal of being able to put the title "Writer" on my tax forms.